Wednesday, July 1, 2015



I am SO deeply sad and FULL OF DISGRACE against the United States Supreme Court, who has NOW just lost their INTEGRITY!..... and sadly I think to myself and ponder the ideas that made our nation, America great... I ask myself this one simple thing.....

“Since a collective faith in the God of the Bible has been evident in American society since the first English settlement at Jamestown in 1607, AND since the Declaration of Independence, our founding document, sometimes referred to as America’s Charter, is abounding with references to God as “Nature’s God”, “Creator”, “divine Providence” and “the Supreme Judge of this world”….. I now ask myself and others…… .
In the beginning years of the 21st century, is a world filled with fear, failing trust between nations and people, and facing an uncertain future. Wars, rumors of wars, nations in conflict, radical regimes committing genocide, and the proposed total obliteration of one nation by another, and conflicts are proliferating between supposedly civilized nations and people. Animosity between extremist, in all camps of religious ideologies, will eventually lead to greater conflicts between already divided nations. Forgotten and ignored is the rule of law that has been the hallmark of civilized nations, endorsing and accepting the beneficial and ethical principles governing moral and just societies, established on Biblical precepts, or common decency. The United States of America for decades has been the leading people and shining light, setting the standard for other nations of the world to emulate. However, America, as a nation, is rapidly losing sight of the founding principles that are the backbone, and mainstay of the Constitution of the United States: “all men are created equal”, and “we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights”.

Political, religious, social, and academic conflicts amongst the people have turned this great country away from the path of Biblical principles by its governing authorities, and the decent, ethical social behavior by its citizens that for some 200 years has been the hallmark of this nation. It is as if we are wandering in the desert, having lost our way, unable to find our guiding light that has led us all these many years. The problem; we all have the desire to do things according to what we want, rather than uniting for the common good. Even people who profess to be followers of the Lord Jesus cannot all agree and unite under Him. This is a tragic event only resolved by renewed dedication of all followers of the Lord Jesus to keep His word of truth as written, abandoning all selfishness and egotism.

The war we are fighting today will determine who, or what, will have authority, and control, over our lives. Will it be an agnostic system of secular government, with an atheistic philosophy, fully supporting the “theory of evolution”, with total disregard for moral or religious values? It should be strongly emphasized; the “theory of evolution” unquestionably contains no references to decent, spiritual, or a proper way of life.  Should this doctrine (evolution) become dominant, we stand to lose all decent, spiritual, and honorable principles to help maintain a civil society? Will the government be one that is constitutionally and freedom oriented, governed under principles of law, as endowed by God?  Only when Christian people are willing to live, and teach, the truth of God’s word can this be avoided. Are we willing to turn aside from the guiding principles that have been the strength and ongoing example to other nations and societies, and become a nation of self-centered individuals, grasping at material things that are so fleeting, and easily lost? The choice is ours, return again to the principles of truth, faith in God, embracing true spiritual principles, and upholding the validity of the Bible, or following Satan into hell.


WHERE IS GOD IN ALL OF THIS"?!....... Because WE as Americans are "NEVER TO DENY THE DIVINITY OF GOD… in our lives, in our hearts…. And as Americans…….IN OUR NATION”!

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