"GOD... gives us choices and HE gives us rules to live
by... We can choose to follow HIM or.... choose to disobey HIM... For which
there are results... for each choice that we make"!!!
When I was a young child... My aunt took me to her church,
it was actually a cult type... Christian Scientist...(I soon stopped going),
and as I sat there and listened even as a young child, I felt
"SOMETHING" was missing.... and that feeling grew as each Sunday that
passed, to the point I kept coming home and asking my mother and father....
"WHERE IS GOD in all of this"?! We are "NEVER TO DENY THE
Now..... years and years later, as I fight against
injustice, and against corruption not only in America... I am SO deeply sad and
FULL OF DISGRACE against the United States Supreme Court, who has NOW just lost
their INTEGRITY!..... and sadly I think to myself and ponder the ideas that
made our nation, America great... I ask myself this one simple thing.....
“Since a collective faith in the God of the Bible has been
evident in American society since the first English settlement at Jamestown in
1607, AND since the Declaration of Independence, our founding document,
sometimes referred to as America’s Charter, is abounding with references to God
as “Nature’s God”, “Creator”, “divine Providence” and “the Supreme Judge of this
world”….. I now ask myself and others…… . WHERE IS GOD IN ALL OF THIS"?!.......
Because WE as Americans are "NEVER TO DENY THE DIVINITY OF GOD… in our
lives, in our hearts…. And as Americans…….IN OUR COUNTRY”!
#TakingBackAmerica @AguilaFreedom
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