President Aquino Of The Republic of the Philippines States That The MILF Is NOT a Terrorist Group??? Oh Really?
THIS MAKES ME ANGRY!... WTF! We are trying to help the People of the Philippines…… and the Aquino Administration is trying to destroy their own country!
Months ago I wrote in my political groups about the MILF but... NOT knowing the future of today and what it holds, yet I am not one bit surprised as to what took place with the deaths of the PNP-SAF, though saddens me greatly to find lives lost and without any direction and without cause. As I recently mentioned, someone from Malacañang had contacted me, and came to my house, brought me lunch and we sat and discussed the Bangsamoro Law. We had our differences, and again I say that I gave him a warning to the consequences that could happen IF ANYTHING GOES WRONG!- …….and it did already go wrong!
I would also like to add…. That the D.I.L.G.- Department of Interior and Local Government, the DILG Secretary Mar Roxas, should also be held responsible and accountable as to the Functions held by that office that which concern PNP and are as follows:
• Assist the President in the exercise of general supervision over local governments;
• Advise the President in the promulgation of policies, rules, regulations and other issuances on the general supervision over local governments and on public order and safety;
• Establish and prescribe rules, regulations and other issuances implementing laws on public order and safety, the general supervision over local governments and the promotion of local autonomy and community empowerment and monitor compliance thereof;
• Provide assistance towards legislation regarding local governments, law enforcement and public safety;
Establish and prescribe plans, policies, programs and projects to promote peace and order, ensure public safety and further strengthen the administrative, technical and fiscal capabilities of local government offices and personnel;
• Formulate plans, policies and programs which will meet local emergencies arising from natural and man-made disasters;
Establish a system of coordination and cooperation among the citizenry, local executives and the Department, to ensure effective and efficient delivery of basic services to the public;
• Organize, train and equip primarily for the performance of police functions, a police force that is national in scope and civilian in character.
FURTHERMORE…. As in this case of the deaths of the PNP-SAF officers, That the D.I.L.G.- Department of Interior and Local Government, the DILG Secretary Mar Roxas should be held responsible and accountable for the Zamboanga Siege….. and the deaths in Tachloban from Typhoon Yolanda, “ACCORDING TO THE GENERAL FUNCTIONS OF THE OFFICE OF D.I.L.G.”
Months ago I stated:
“President Aquino…. Needs to RECALCULATE the cost of breaking CONSTITUTIONAL LAW when it comes to the BANGSAMORO Peace Agreement”
“THE BANGSAMORO FEDERAL-TYPE STATE THAT THEY HAVE AGREED TO ESTABLISH IN MINDANAO IS, UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND PERHAPS BREAKS INTERNATIONAL LAW” and Malacañang has lost Her Integrity for even establishing ANY relationship between State and the notorious MILF moreso…
When President Aquino assumed office in 2010, he took a solemn oath to “PRESERVE AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION” which time and time again has proven to be without merit!
“Malacañang is a Government who is first to violate her laws instead of conforming to them; the first to deny her people's rights instead of honoring them; a Government who promotes anarchy and division instead of uniting together; a Government who engages in the destruction of her people's' lives and dreams, instead of protecting them and helping them to achieve their goals and ambitions”..
President Aquino exposed his doubts, despite his having authorized his negotiators to sign the Framework Agreement with the MILF on Oct. 7, 2012, when he committed Malacañang to work for the amending of the Constitution if it gets in the way. HUH????? Wow! The INCOMPETENT AQUINO GOVERNMENT forgot or didn’t care to think twice the other risks involved when breaking the Philippine Constitution….. I will remind the administration, the risks involved now that the Government willfully wants to change constitution to “kiss-the-ass” of the MILF! I strongly STRONGLY suggest that Aquino RECALCULATES risks involved and moreso the sovereignty of the Republic of the Philippines!
President Aquino deliberately ignored the pleas from the Philippine National Police-Special Action Force (PNP-SAF) for additional reinforcement to rescue trapped operatives from their dire position. The PNP said, not only was President Aquino informed beforehand of the SAF operation against Malay-sian Zulkifli bin Hir, alias “Mar-wan,” believed to be a key leader of the al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islam-iyah, and his alleged Filipino henchman, Abdul Basit Usman, but that he was actually on top of the operation itself.
“The President was actually monitoring the operation. Everything was being reported to him in real time, BUT when the operation went out of control as the MILF and the BIFF Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters) joined forces in attacking the SAF, the President refused to send any reinforcement even as the SAF were already crying for help from heir beleaguered position”! mygod!
General Napeñas said the ceasefire was called for by the monitoring teams of both sides at a little past 6 am, less than two hours after the first shot was fired around 4:20 am. But the gun battle lasted 11 hours until 3:00 pm, and the nearest Army station is only about one kilometer away from where the gun battle was happening, so tell me WHY no reinforcement was sent AND….. “If the President could make a call so early in the morning to Deles so she could in turn call on the monitoring teams to call for a ceasefire, why can’t he make a call to ask the Armed Forces to send reinforcement for the beleaguered SAF personnel?”
The MILF are plain terrorists…. Simply speaking and nothing else. “WHY DID PRESIDENT AQUINO SIDE WITH A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION?” ….
What is the Philippine government missing???? to negotiate with a terrorist(s ) is to allow them to have power over our actions over your state, If we were to allow a terrorist group to have power over our actions of state, then every terrorist group that wants something in the world would come at us and try to get us to give them what they want also… quite simply, YOU DON’T GIVE IN TO TERRORISTS… and The President of the Republic of the Philippines did just that when he paid them and instituted an unconstitutional law! If you give terrorists what they want, you will prove that terrorism is a successful strategy and you will encourage others to also use terrorism to get what they want. The more that terrorism is rewarded, the more terrorism we will get.
THIS MAKES ME ANGRY!... WTF! We are trying to help the People of the Philippines…… and the Aquino Administration is trying to destroy their own country!
Lets define TERRORISM TO THE “T”….. "Most of the formal definitions of terrorism have some common characteristics: a fundamental motive to make political/societal changes; the use of violence or illegal force; attacks on civilian targets by "nonstate"/"Subnational actors"; and the goal of affecting society. This finding is reflected in the listing of three components of terrorism:
1. Acts or threats of violence;
2. The communication of fear to an audience beyond the immediate victim, and;
3. Political, economic, or religious aims by the perpetrator(s)
There are multiple ways of defining terrorism, and all are subjective. Most define terrorism as "the use or threat of serious violence" to advance some kind of "cause". Some state clearly the kinds of group ("sub-national", "non-state") or cause (political, ideological, religious) to which they refer. Others merely rely on the instinct of most people when confronted with innocent civilians being killed or maimed by men armed with explosives, firearms or other weapons.
"1. Any willful act causing death or grievous bodily harm or loss of liberty to:
a) Heads of State, persons exercising the prerogatives of the head of the State, their hereditary or designated successors;
b) The wives or husbands or the above-mentioned persons;
c) Persons charged with public functions or holding public positions when the act is directed against them in their public capacity.
2. Willful destruction of, or damage to, public property or property devoted to a public purpose belonging to or subject to the authority of another High Contracting Party.
3. Any willful act calculated to endanger the lives of members of the public.
4. Any attempt to commit an offense falling within the foregoing provisions of the present article.
5. The manufacture, obtaining, possession, or supplying of arms, ammunition, explosives or harmful substances with the view to the commission in any country whatsoever of an offense falling within the present article."
I have Written 7 more pages of information, but I think my point is made clear.
In short…….“President Aquino’s unlawful actions and even the absence in the arrival honor ceremony for the fallen SAF men speaks volumes of the president’s lack of basic respect for his servicemen AND his country.
“His choice to instead head to the opening of a car factory in Sta. Rosa shows how little he cares for his uniformed personnel, who died for their county and for something that was be led up to a law and reform that IS Illegal and unconstitutional to begin with!
We Urge the people of the Republic of the Philippines to Lawfully Stop the Bangsamoro Law / Peace Treaty NOW! While there is still a chance for FREEDOM! And hold accountable those persons who designed the unconstitutional law and who are to enact this peace treaty.
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